One Man's Crusade

My Twitter Account Has Just Been Blocked

By Javier Palenque

By now you all know how I feel about the poorly led USTA. These past few days they have decided that one of my multiple social media accounts is a danger to them, their work and reputation. So, they made the executive decision to block it and forbid me to tag to their accounts or see my account.

So what is it that I did that made them censor me? All I do is ask simple questions like:

  • How is it fair that you raise your salaries 537% when tennis is declining all over the USA in every category under your control?
  • Or when I question how much of the $300M actually ends up in the kid's hands to grow Tennis, instead of the fat salaries of the executives and the multiple repeated jobs all over?
  • Why do you donate only 1% of the US Open revenues and pretend you help a lot more?

Well to the $300M + quasi-for-profit organization those questions and the traction they generate were simply too much to handle. They have decided to censor my account and try to control their message which is based on deception. This decision is, of course, ironic as what I want is for people to be aware of just how poorly tennis is run in the country and what they want is to keep the public thinking all is fine.

You have to do not much to see who is telling the truth, all you have to do is see parks in your city or town and take a peek at schools and you will quickly reach the conclusion that they have destroyed the pipeline of players of our beloved sport. If you are a club player you have to see that your colleagues are on average 55 and above. It is clear that the younger generations are simply not attracted to the sport. I, on the other hand, want to raise awareness of just how few kids we have and how that creates a huge problem for the industry as the supply chain will be forever affected.

The USTA had a choice, rather than then reaching out to me and trying to establish a dialog and an open line of communication with a critic, they prefer the bullying tactic making sure people do not read what I write at least it is from their website. This censorship decision, of course, makes little sense as there are very few followers of the USTA and if I am a critic would you not want to see what I write?

Just as an example I wrote a tweet to president Trump and it got in one day more retweets than any that I did while tweeting to the USTA. Ineptitude on full display. No wonder tennis is in such poor shape. I say No to ineptitude and yes to grow the game. Below is the image of the tweet that caused them to be so scared. You be the judge.

I can be reached at or @palenquej

We were writing about Javier Palenque and his crusade for changes at the USTA in January, 2018 (Florida Man Wants Answers - Javier Palenque vs. the USTA or David vs. Goliath All Over Again), and in March, 2018 (USTA: Everything Has To Change)

Javier Palenque grew up in privileged surroundings in Bolivia, went to private school and played tennis at an exclusive Country Club. Problem was, he absolutely didn't like those privileges. Didn't like to live in a country with very rich and very poor people and no opportunity for the average guy to break out. That's the main reason he loves America, which he calls "the country of change." At age 17 he moved to the USA to pursue his studies at Boston University where he received his MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

Javier became an Investment and Real Estate Consultant in Florida. Watching his son playing tennis and seeing what is going on here in the tennis community around Miami, he thought he realized a discrepancy between the numbers published by the USTA and reality.

Javier Palenque is a business consultant who deals with data. A hard facts kind of a guy. The situation, he claims, is much worse than "they" want us to believe. According to his articles, youth tennis is on the decline, attrition rates are much higher than reported, league numbers are muddled by using "registered players" and "unique players" whenever convenient.

Javier has some choice words when it comes to the funds the USTA makes available into the tennis community and the income of the top 3 officers of that non-profit organization. "While the USTA Foundation gets only 1% of the 2015 revenue of over $248 million, the director's compensation is 2% and other salaries are 20%. How does Gordon Smith justify his $1.3 million a year salary?"



David Berens "Break Point"

David Sammel "Locker Room Power" 

Frank Giampaolo "Tennis Parent's Bible" 2nd Ed.

Becky Gunn Holmes "Totally Tennis For Me" 

Mike VanZutphen "Tennis Management" 

 Bill Patton "The Art of Coaching High School Tennis"

Joe Parent / Bill Scanlon "ZEN Tennis" 

Sidney Wood "The Wimbledon Final That Never Was"

Rocky Lang "Learn Your Game"

Pat Cunningham Devoto "The Team"

JR Thornton "Beautiful Country"

Ara Grigorian "Game of Love"

Marshall Jon Fisher "A Terrible Splendor"

Stephen Edward Paper "An Army Lost"

Judy Aydelott "Sport of a Lifetime"

Paul Annacone "Coaching for Life"

Adeline Arjad Cook "I Love My Tennis Partner"

Barbara Wyatt "Ode to TENNIS"



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