One Man's Crusade

USTA: Everything Has To Change

By Javier Palenque

We were writing about Javier Palenque and his crusade for changes at the USTA in January, 2018 (Florida Man Wants Answers - Javier Palenque vs. the USTA or David vs. Goliath All Over Again).

Javier Palenque grew up in privileged surroundings in Bolivia, went to private school and played tennis at an exclusive Country Club. Problem was, he absolutely didn't like those privileges. Didn't like to live in a country with very rich and very poor people and no opportunity for the average guy to break out. That's the main reason he loves America, which he calls "the country of change." At age 17 he moved to the USA to pursue his studies at Boston University where he received his MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

Javier became an Investment and Real Estate Consultant in Florida. Watching his son playing tennis and seeing what is going on here in the tennis community around Miami, he thought he realized a discrepancy between the numbers published by the USTA and reality.

Javier Palenque is a business consultant who deals with data. A hard facts kind of a guy. The situation, he claims, is much worse than "they" want us to believe. According to his articles, youth tennis is on the decline, attrition rates are much higher than reported, league numbers are muddled by using "registered players" and "unique players" whenever convenient.

Javier has some choice words when it comes to the funds the USTA makes available into the tennis community and the income of the top 3 officers of that non-profit organization. "While the USTA Foundation gets only 1% of the 2015 revenue of over $248 million, the director's compensation is 2% and other salaries are 20%. How does Gordon Smith justify his $1.3 million a year salary?"

This article was written by Javier as a follow-up to his previous comments.


In my writings confronting the USTA, I naturally come across many people who love this organization. Usually these people think they love the USTA but upon questioning them one quickly discovers that they benefit from the organization and therefore feel obligated to favor it. When questioned it is obvious that they have not really spent any time thinking critically about the massive problem we have and are blinded by their loyalty to an entity that in one form or another gives them a benefit.

I usually send a blast of my writings to all my contacts, friends and foes, and gauge the reaction. Lately, I have been getting an enormous amount of support as things become clearer to more people at just how poorly run the USTA is. On one occasion, which I will replicate here and share with you I was confronted by a USTA person in Sunrise FL a few weeks back. This is how it went.

- Are you Javier Palenque, the guy that fights the USTA?
- I said: Yes I am, who are you?
- I am a representative of the USTA and hate your writings. Every time I see one I immediately delete it without reading it. You are a hater.
- I said: Do you want to have an honest conversation? I will be happy to present my points and if you open your mind I promise you I can convince you of my stand on all issues.
- The older gentleman, visible uncomfortable complied.
- First let's start with this quote, I said:

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed
ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

- May I say things that will make you uncomfortable and you listen to them with an open mind before you refute what I say and no longer hear me?
- Yes, the man said.
- So let's start from the beginning. If you get my emails and care not to see a different point of view, how is new information ever going to be considered by you if you don't let it in?
- Silence
- What is your solution, he says. Talk is cheap.
- The first solution is seeing the problem without feeling attacked and closed. Listening to different opinions and acknowledging we have a problem. How many times have you done this?
- Silence
- After its clear that he does not have an answer, I proceed to show him my tablet in which I have a graphical representation of the problem and the solutions. Here is what I showed him.



I proceed to explain each and every point and his first reaction was to let his guard down, a smile appears on his face and suddenly the man representing the organization that I am trying to fix, sides with me.
He says to my surprise,
- I agree with a lot of your points, it's hard to argue against you, but don't tell them I said that.

So, there you have it. This is an organization where the people inside know right from wrong, know that things are not working but feel silenced by the culture, the bosses, the system. The USTA has a cultural problem that can only be fixed with the heads leaving the organization. There is simply no other way. In fact, I am sure many of the silenced employees have many of the solutions to the problems within the USTA.

I say, let us have a conversation with those who want to grow the game. Maybe now you all better understand what we are up against. I know "Grow the game" is the only way

I can be reached at



David Berens "Break Point"

David Sammel "Locker Room Power" 

Frank Giampaolo "Tennis Parent's Bible" 2nd Ed.

Becky Gunn Holmes "Totally Tennis For Me" 

Mike VanZutphen "Tennis Management" 

 Bill Patton "The Art of Coaching High School Tennis"

Joe Parent / Bill Scanlon "ZEN Tennis" 

Sidney Wood "The Wimbledon Final That Never Was"

Rocky Lang "Learn Your Game"

Pat Cunningham Devoto "The Team"

JR Thornton "Beautiful Country"

Ara Grigorian "Game of Love"

Marshall Jon Fisher "A Terrible Splendor"

Stephen Edward Paper "An Army Lost"

Judy Aydelott "Sport of a Lifetime"

Paul Annacone "Coaching for Life"

Adeline Arjad Cook "I Love My Tennis Partner"

Barbara Wyatt "Ode to TENNIS"



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