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Raising Athletic Royalty
Insights to Inspire for a Lifetime
by Frank Giampaolo
Frank's conclusion: Since parental influence has the greatest impact on an athlete’s success, it's the responsibility of the parents to effectively communicate positive modern methodologies throughout the developmental process. Frank's discovery: "The words chosen by parents and coaches can make or break a player. It is not just what you say... it is when you say it, your tone of voice, your facial expressions and your body language." He adds, "Words cause thoughts, thoughts begin action."
The author introduces the reader to a motivational vocabulary with impactful words, quotes, phrases and illustrative stories, designed to assist parents and coaches in the guidance of their athletes.
To accelerate growth, it is essential that you get into your child’s world instead of forcing them into your world
Frank emphasizes the mental and physical disposition of athletes as vital element of their developmental strategy and uses the industry standard MBTO Questionnaire as a universal personality type indicator. Different personalities are better suited for different sports, styles and/or positions. Motivating them within their genetic guidelines will maximizes their potential at a much quicker rate.
The parental role should be one of gratitude and optimism versus stress and pessimism
Whichever the chosen sport, Raising Athletic Royalty provides essential insights, motivational quotes and perfect phrases to assist parents and coaches to inspire greatness in their children. This book shares 30 years of real life- practical application antidotes. It combines the latest sports science discoveries and neuroscience personality profiling along with personal lessons that motivate belief, confidence and passion. As you implement the books powerful quotes and illuminating phrases you will begin to see dreams quickly become reality. Raising Athletic Royalty is the script for success and happiness on and off the playing fields.
I loved Frank Giampaolo's slogan: Raising Athletic Royalty is your ‘go to guide’ to nurturing the greatness found in your children.



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